After a long time, let me write a bit of Oracle this week. Improve the performance of multi-row SQL operations with bulk/array processing in PL/SQL. For code snippets of the form
cursor emp_cur is
select employee_id
from employee where department_id = dept_in;
for rec in emp_cur loop
update employee set salary = salary + 1000
where employee_id = rec.employee_id;
end loop;
select employee_id
bulk collect into collection_var
from employee where department_id = dept_in;
forall i in collection_var.first .. collection_var.last
update employee set salary = salary + 1000
where employee_id = collection_var(i);
The context switch happening in executing PL/SQL and SQL code is reduced in this. The Save Exceptions and SQL%BULK_EXCEPTION is another good introduction on excellent exception handling on these bulk processing.
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